limit your intake

美 [ˈlɪmɪt jʊr ˈɪnteɪk]英 [ˈlɪmɪt jɔː(r) ˈɪnteɪk]
  • 限制摄入量
limit your intakelimit your intake
  1. If you drink alcohol , limit your intake to one or two drinks a day .


  2. Don 't be tempted to limit your intake of fluids , which can actually cause bloating .


  3. Cut Out the Liquid Calories - If has calories and comes in a liquid form , try to limit your intake of it .


  4. Limit your intake of sugary foods , refined-grain products such as white bread , and salty snack foods .


  5. If you are on a low-sodium diet , you need to limit your intake of salt and other forms of sodium in the food you eat .


  6. If you limit your intake of sweets , it will make the small treats you give yourself ( berries or dark chocolate are my favorites ) even more enjoyable .


  7. Because you want the best possible performance for yourself you should limit your alcohol intake .


  8. Limit your daily intake of caffeinated beverages and avoid them completely after lunchtime .


  9. Limit your daily intake of caffeinated beverages and avoid them completely after lunchtime . *


  10. You 've heard it for years : Limit your egg intake because they 're loaded with artery-clogging cholesterol .


  11. When that happens , you have to limit your calorie intake in an attempt to limit how much body fat you gain .


  12. Still do be careful to limit your fruit intake to two servings per day , and always balance it up with a protein and / or fat component , which will be better for stabilising your blood sugar levels , which is crucial for weight loss .


  13. Try to limit your sugar and caffeine intake .
